Which of the following is not a characteristic of the odyssey years?
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the odyssey years? A、Confusion B、Stability C、Rebellion D、Exploration 正确答案: B 【Stability】...
Which of the following description of the odyssey years is not true?
Which of the following description of the odyssey years is not true? A、Its a term originating from an ancient Roman poem. B、Its a life phase that could stretch from five to seven years. C、Its a journey of self-discovery. D、It comes bet...
There are two basic patterns to organize the details of your comparison/ contrast essay:
There are two basic patterns to organize the details of your comparison/ contrast essay: __________。 A、point by point and subject by subject B、item by item and paragraph by paragraph C、point by point and paragraph by paragraph D、item...
The items being compared or contrasted must be from________。
The items being compared or contrasted must be from________。 A、the same origin B、different sources C、the same category D、different groups 正确答案: C 【the same category】...
All the arrangements should be completed your departure.
All the arrangements should be completed your departure. A、prior to B、superior to C、contrary to D、parallel to 正确答案: A 【prior to】...
After the explosion, the policeman did a lot of work to find out some clues from the .
After the explosion, the policeman did a lot of work to find out some clues from the . A、on-lookers B、viewers C、people D、witnesses 正确答案: D 【witnesses】...
Generally speaking,the blind are to light.
Generally speaking,the blind are to light. A、insensible B、insensitive C、insecure D、insignificant 正确答案: B 【insensitive】...
Text A mainly talks about what “odyssey years” means, compares and contrasts young peopl
Text A mainly talks about what “odyssey years” means, compares and contrasts young people then and now in order to characterize this new phase. A.正确 B.错误 正确答案: A 【正确】...
What kind of writing techniques does the author use in the text?
What kind of writing techniques does the author use in the text? A、Exemplification B、Definition C、comparison and contrast D、All of the above. 正确答案: D 【All of the above.】...
What type of writing is Text A in this unit ?
What type of writing is Text A in this unit ? A、Argumentation B、Description C、Exposition D、Narration 正确答案: C 【Exposition】...
人们将“犬子”作为对自己孩子的谦称,其实“犬子”本来是? A、司马相如的小名
人们将“犬子”作为对自己孩子的谦称,其实“犬子”本来是? A、司马相如的小名 B、狗狗的孩子 正确答案: A 【司马相如的小名】 解析: 《史记》记载,司马相如“少时好读书,学击剑,故其亲名之曰犬子。 他长大后,因仰慕蔺相如的为人,便更名为相如。 随着司马相...
奶粉冲得越浓越有营养,宝宝吃了也越能抗饿,这种说法? A、错误,别坑了宝宝
奶粉冲得越浓越有营养,宝宝吃了也越能抗饿,这种说法? A、错误,别坑了宝宝 B、正确,浓了就是好 正确答案: A 【错误,别坑了宝宝】 解析: 刚出生的宝宝,身体各个机能都还没长完善,胃肠消化功能较弱,所以过浓的奶粉就会给宝宝的肠胃增加负担,不但不能好好吸收...
问:有甲、乙、丙、丁四袋食盐,甲袋食盐最轻,丙袋食盐最重,乙袋食盐的质量在甲、丙两者之间,试用无砝码的天平称一次,确定出丁袋排在第几位,应该怎么称量? 答案: 有甲、乙、丙、丁四...
51和34的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。
问:51和34的最大公因数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。 答案: 51和34的最大公因数是(17 ),最小公倍数是( 102 )...