The origin of Xihe River?
The origin of Xihe River?
1. According to the Annals of Zhushu in the Warring States Period, Yin Jia (alias Kong Jia), the sixth king of the Xia Dynasty, ascended the throne and established his capital in Xihe. Sun Zhilu is quoted as saying in the Annals of Ancient History: "Xihe River is the land of Wei, the son of King Wen of Zhou, where King Wu of Zhou named his brother Kangshu as the ancestor. This village is located on the west bank of the ancient Yellow River." It is said that the origin of the name of Xihe village, is because the Yellow River did not change its course to the east before, this village is located on the west bank of the ancient Yellow River, commonly known as the West pier, after the evolution of Xihe, extended to the present day.
2, Anyang in ancient times belong to the land of Wei, Ming Jiajing "Zhangde Prefecture Annals · Geography" also recorded: "Anyang has the Xihe River...... Now Xihe belongs to Tang, south of Youlshui." The exact same thing. "Ancient Chinese Historical Atlas" said: "The legendary summer, the sixth time to move the capital to the Xihe River. [Information on the relocation of the Xia capital for several times: "From Yangcheng, the capital was moved to Gongxian (present day Gongxian), Diqiu (present day Neihuang), Yuan (present day Jiyuan), Laoqiu (present day Chenliu), and Xihe (present day Tangyin). Therefore, it can be proved that Xihe was the former capital of Yin Jia and Zhou Kangshu, the six emperors of Xia. According to the "Chinese Ancient and Modern Gazetteer" and the Sui Dynasty "Atlas" records: the Spring and Autumn period Confucius disciple Bu Zixia visited the Xihe River many times. According to the Biography of Zhong Ni's Disciples in the Records of the Historian, Bu Zixia (507 BC ~? Juxihe, a professor from the southwest of Wen County, Henan Province, was the teacher of Marquis Wen of Wei (known as Si, the founder of the State of Wei in the Warring States Period). At present, in the east of Wangjia Xihe village, there is still the son Xia Temple, the original east and west corridor room, now there are two northern shrines, three west accompany room, the only remaining piece of a remnant tablet, but also briefly described the history of the son Xia in Xihe.
3. The history of Xihe has been nearly four thousand years since Yin Jia, the sixth king of the Xia Dynasty, lived there. It is a symbol of the long history of Tang Yin and a witness of the civilization history of Tang Yin.
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