D、underglaze Wucai
3、What’s the difference between the Guan wares and the Ge wares? ()
A、No difference
B、The Guan wares are much darker than the Ge wares
C、The Ge glaze is full of minute bubbles while on the Guan wares all the bubbles seem to have burst either without trace or leaving behind them a faintly pitted surface
D、There are iron lines on the Guan wares, but elaborate cobalt-blue(钴蓝) decorations on the Ge wares
4、Which do you think is the proper translation of 八仙朝圣图炉 ()
A、Baxian pilgrimage burner
B、Stove with pattern of Baxian pilgrimage
C、Oven with pattern of Eight Immortals Making a Pilgrimage
D、Porcelain burner with pattern of Eight Chinese Taoist Immortals Making a Pilgrimage
5、Which is the proper translation of 岁寒三友盖瓶()
A、Covered vase with three cool friends
B、Covered vase with pattern of three friends in winter (pine, bamboo, plum, symbolizing nobleness
C、Sanyou bottle
D、Lid bottle with pattern of pine, bamboo and plum
以上相关的更多内容请点击“知到 ”查看,该题目的答案为网上收集整理仅供参考!
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